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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Managerial Studies and Research
Volume 5, Issue 10, 2017, Page No: 1-8

Measuring Consumer Attitude towards Soft Drinks: An Empirical Study on Selected Brands in Bangladesh

Meher Neger1,Bulbul Ahamed2,Khaled Mahmud3

1.Department of Marketing, Comilla University, Bangladesh.
2.Department of CSE, Northern University Bangladesh.
3.Institute of Business Administration, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh.

Citation :Meher Neger,Bulbul Ahamed,Khaled Mahmud, Measuring Consumer Attitude towards Soft Drinks: An Empirical Study on Selected Brands in Bangladesh International Journal of Managerial Studies and Research 2017,5(10) : 1-8


In today's competitive business environment, consumers are exposed to a large number of brand choice alternatives. This study examines consumer attitude towards the four popular soft drinks brands: 7up, Sprite, Coca-Cola, and Pepsi by using Fishbein's Multi-attribute Attitude Model. These four most popular soft drinks brands have been taken into consideration for analyzing and understanding consumer attitudes. The result shows that consumers have the highest positive attitude towards 7up. Coca-cola has the second topmost position among the selected brands by samples, and then Pepsi and Sprite are in the third and fourth position respectively. Five salient beliefs (price, brand image, taste, availability, and flavour) have been selected from pretest and were used to predict consumers' attitude. Results of the study may be helpful for academicians,soft drinks companies, marketing managers and other applied researchers to depend on the attitude construct for improving the quality of soft drinks and developing marketing strategies.

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