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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Managerial Studies and Research
Volume 4, Issue 9, 2016, Page No: 10-17

Team Work, Respect for People, Outcome Orientation, Innovation, Stability and Attention to Details in Determining Employees' Organizational Commitment

Muhammad Alfani1, Sulastini1, Dwi Wahyu Artiningsih1

Universitas Islam Kalimantan Muhammad Arsyad Al-Banjari, Banjarmasin, Indonesia.

Citation : Muhammad Alfani,Sulastini,Dwi Wahyu Artiningsih, Team Work, Respect for People, Outcome Orientation, Innovation, Stability and Attention to Details in Determining Employees' Organizational Commitment International Journal of Managerial Studies and Research 2016 , 4(9) : 10-17


Employees Organizational Commitment (OCB) has received much attention in the past decade as scholars have recognized its significant effect on the success of organizations. The current research aims at enriching our understanding of commitment in the private university setting by identifying the main factors that may promote this behaviour among private university lecturers. Specifically, the research objectives are to analyse the effect of Team Work, Respect for People, Outcome Orientation, Innovation, Stability and Attention to Details to Employees Organizational Commitment of private university lecturers. The research was conducted on sampling of 91 respondents in South Kalimantan Province Indonesia with regression analysis design. The results indicate that all variables under investigation significantly contribute to the development of organizational commitment bringing the implication to the management that these variables must be considered when formulating human resources management strategy.

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