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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Managerial Studies and Research
Volume 4, Issue 8, 2016, Page No: 1-15

Role of the Human Resources Management in Development the Functional Performance for the Jordanian Private Sector Hospitals in Amman City

Dr. Ali Falah Al-manaseer

Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences

Citation : Dr. Ali Falah Al-manaseer, Role of the Human Resources Management in Development the Functional Performance for the Jordanian Private Sector Hospitals in Amman City International Journal of Managerial Studies and Research 2016 , 4(8) : 1-15


This study aims to identify the role of the human resources management policies of the (polarization & appointment, training and development, compensation and incentives system, and performance evaluation) to develop and improve the functional performance for the Jordanian private sector hospitals in Amman city. The study population consisted of all the employees in the human resources management in the Jordanian private hospitals at Amman city, were numbered according to Ministry of Health statistics (37) Hospital. This was chosen with a rate of (30%) from the study population, by using the simple random sample method, and the final study sample was amounted (82) employees. The study results indicated that among respondents have a clear vision of the applicable human resources management policies in the Jordanian private sector hospitals in Amman city, and came these policies ordered as its importance (polarization & appointment, training and development, compensation and incentive system, performance evaluation). Also, study results revealed that the evaluation of the study sample for the functional performance was (high) degree, and that they have a clear perceptions about the functional performance for the Jordanian private sector hospitals in Amman city. The results also showed that there was no statistically significant differences in appreciation of the employees on all the human resources management policies in development of the functional performance in the private hospitals in Amman city, attributable to the variables (sex, age, and educational qualification). While shown that there were statistically significant differences in appreciation of the employees for the policy of the (polarization and appointment), attributable to experience years, and in favor of the employees whom their experience years within the class (10-5) years. The results also showed that there was no statistically significant differences in appreciation of the employees on three policies for the human resources management (training and development, compensation and incentive system, performance evaluation), attributed to experience years, while shown that there were significant differences in appreciation of the employees for the policy of the (polarization and appointment, compensation and incentive system) attributable to the functional position variable. While the results indicated that there were no statistically significant differences in appreciation of the employees about the policies (training and development, and performance evaluation) attributable to the functional position variable

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