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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Managerial Studies and Research
Volume 4, Issue 6, 2016, Page No: 63-72

Impact of Application of the Training Strategy on Improving the Efficiency of the Employees' Performance in Zarqa University

Dr.Ibrahim Mohamed Khurais

Associate Professor / Department of Economics, Faculty of and Administrative Sciences / Zarqa University.

Citation : Dr.Ibrahim Mohamed Khurais, Impact of Application of the Training Strategy on Improving the Efficiency of the Employees' Performance in Zarqa University International Journal of Managerial Studies and Research 2016 , 4(6) : 63-72


The study aimed to identify the impact of application of the training strategy on improving the efficiency of the employees' performance in Zarqa University. The study population consisted of all employees in Zarqa University, were chosen as a proportionality stratified random sample consisting of (50) employee, and was distributed the study questionnaire on them. The study found a number of results most notably were:

1. The results of descriptive analysis indicated to high the averages of the training strategy items. These results indicate that the employees responses in Zarqa University on these items were (positive), and this means that the level of evaluation of the items of the mentioned variable ranged between (medium & high) from their perspective.

2. The results indicated that there exist a statistically significant impact at a significant level (a = 0.05), for application of the training strategy on improving the efficiency of the employees performance in Zarqa University.

The study concluded that a number of the recommendations and conclusions.

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