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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Managerial Studies and Research
Volume 4, Issue 5, 2016, Page No: 68-73

Evaluation of Business Practice in Contract Research Organizations (CROs) of Selected CROs in Hyderabad

Venkateswara Rao Papineni

Research Scholor, Department of Management Rayalaseema University, Kurnool 518007, Andhra Pradesh, India

Citation : Venkateswara Rao Papineni, Evaluation of Business Practice in Contract Research Organizations (CROs) of Selected CROs in Hyderabad International Journal of Managerial Studies and Research 2016 , 4(5) : 68-73


This research covered 350 CRO company employees in 32 CRO organizations largely at Hyderabad to collect data with a structured questionnaire. Questions were designed based on objectives and hypothesis which were basically to understand the drivers of growth and sustenance factors in CRO industry, using which a strategy would be made by each CRO company. Factor analysis helped to arrive at such factors. A comparative study was conducted between large, medium and small CROs which found that the re is no common strategy or parameters for CRO across the globe because of disagreements we discovered between each type of CROs while responding to the questions during our personal interviews. Such agreements and disagreements were captured by chi-square analysis which helped to fabricate parameters and strategy for each CRO instead of working on a common strategy for every type of CRO.

In the final recommendation, the strategies for HR, Financial, Quality and overall business were made in this research and thesis writing. While predominantly the HR strategy seems to drive all other strategies of financial, quality etc., as per the present stud, the industry seems to have given a low priority for marketing in business development.

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