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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Managerial Studies and Research
Volume 4, Issue 5, 2016, Page No: 54-67

Effects of Trust on Job Satisfaction and Mediatory Role of New Identification between Trust and Job Satisfaction in Mergers

Yurdagul Meral1, Murat Yaslioglu2, Fatih Semercioz3

1.Phd from Istanbul University, Institute of Social Sciences, Department of Business, Business Management and Organization.
2.Istanbul University School of Business, Business Management and Organization Department.
3.Istanbul University School of Business, Business Management and Organization Department.

Citation : Yurdagul Meral,Murat Yaslioglu,Fatih Semercioz, Effects of Trust on Job Satisfaction and Mediatory Role of New Identification between Trust and Job Satisfaction in Mergers International Journal of Managerial Studies and Research 2016 , 4(5) : 54-67


Companies aim growth and increase market share via mergers. However contrary to the expectations, the financial success rate is less then 50 percent. The main reason for this is management's focusing on financial figures rather than human factors. Employees' identification with the new merged company and job satisfaction are important factors effecting success of mergers. This study aims to find out the effects of trust on job satisfaction and to investigate the mediating role of new identification in this e ffect. In this research, with the sample of 143 employees of the new 'merged bank' after Fortis and TEB bank s merger, the bootstrap analysis was used to investigate this. The results indicate that trust effect the job satisfaction and the employees' new identification after the merger positively. The new identification after the merger has a mediating role between the relationship of job satisfaction and trust.

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