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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Managerial Studies and Research
Volume 4, Issue 3, 2016, Page No: 35-43

E-Commerce Adoption as a Predictor of the Perceived Strategic Value of E-Commerce among E-Commerce Adopter SMEs in Turkey

Kadri Gokhan Yilmaz1,Aybegum Gungordu2,Ali Ayci3,Tuba Yumusak4

1.Business Administration, Gazi University Turkey.
2.Business Administration, Gazi University Turkey.
3.Institutional Training Director KOSGEB Turkey.
4.Business Administration, Gazi University Turkey.

Citation : Kadri Gokhan Yilmaz,Aybegum Gungordu,Ali Ayci,Tuba Yumusak, E-Commerce Adoption as a Predictor of the Perceived Strategic Value of E-Commerce among E-Commerce Adopter SMEs in Turkey International Journal of Managerial Studies and Research 2016 , 4(3) : 35-43


The purpose of this study is to explore the relationship between the perceived strategic value of ecommerce and e-commerce adoption among e-commerce adopter SMEs in Turkey. We used reliability and validity analyses, exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses and multiple regression analyses. Our sample consists of 577 SMEs in Turkey. We found that perceived strategic value of IT has two dimensions such as organizational support and managerial decision aids. Furthermore, e-commerce adoption has three dimensions such as perceived usefulness, organizational factors and external presure; we found that organizational support has a positive and significant effect on organizational factors and perceived usefulness. Managerial decision aids has a positive and significant effect on external pressure, perceived usefulness and organizational factors.

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