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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Managerial Studies and Research
Volume 4, Issue 3, 2016, Page No: 25-28

Enhancing Organizational Citizenship Behavior of Teacher in Pre-School

Griet Helena Laihad1,Bedjo Sujanto1,I Made Putrawan1

1.Jakarta State University, Jakarta, Indonesia.

Citation : Griet Helena Laihad,Bedjo Sujanto,I Made Putrawan, Enhancing Organizational Citizenship Behavior of Teacher in Pre-School International Journal of Managerial Studies and Research 2016 , 4(3) : 25-28


Organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) has received much attention in the past decade as scholars have recognized its significant impact on the success of organizations. The current research seeks to enrich our understanding of citizenship behavior in the pre-school setting by identifying the main factors that may enhance this behavior among teachers. Specifically, the research objectives are to determine the influence of organizational culture, leadership style and decision making toward organizational citizenship behavior of teacher in pre-school. The research was conducted sampling to 175 respondent teachers of pre-school at Kota Bogor with path analysis design. The results indicate that: first, organizational culture has direct influence toward organizational citizenship behavior of the teacher in pre-school. Second, leadership Style has direct influence toward organizational citizenship behavior of the teacher in pre-school. Third, decision making has direct influence toward organizational citizenship behavior of the teacher in pre-school. Fourth, organizational culture has direct influence toward decision making. The fifth, leadership style has direct influence toward decision making. The result of the study contributes to our understanding of the way organization culture, leadership style, decision making and OCB interact in pre-school. Furthermore, the conclusion in enhancing organizational citizenship behavior of teacher pre-school would be strengthening on organizational culture, leadership style, and decision making.

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