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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Managerial Studies and Research
Volume 4, Issue 12, 2016, Page No: 67-82

Extent of Application the Governance Principles in the Islamic Banks Operating in Jordan

Dr. Yahya Al-Khasawneh

Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Zarqa University, Jordan.

Citation : Dr. Yahya Al-Khasawneh, Extent of Application the Governance Principles in the Islamic Banks Operating in Jordan International Journal of Managerial Studies and Research 2016 , 4(12) : 67-82


The study aimed to clarify the concept of governance and its objectives and the most important principles underpinning, and to identify on extent of commitment of the Islamic banks operating in Jordan to apply the corporate governance principles for the Islamic banks and the modified instructions outbound by the Central Bank for year 2016. To achieve this purpose has been designing a questionnaire consisted of (30) items were distributed among the study independent and dependent variables, and was testing the sincerity tool and its reliability, and applied on the study sample of (145) employees in the Islamic banks to see how much commitment of these banks to apply the principles of corporate governance of Islamic banks according to the modified instructions. The study results indicated that among respondents have a clear vision of the applicable corporate governance principles at the Islamic banks operating in Jordan, and came these policies ordered as its importance (Maintaining on the shareholders' rights and their transactions fair treatment, Determination the powers and responsibilities of the board of the directors and executive departments and the legitimate of oversight bodies, Providing the transparency and disclosure requirements for the published financial statements, Achievement of the social responsibility towards the community).

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