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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Managerial Studies and Research
Volume 4, Issue 12, 2016, Page No: 50-55

Providing Integrated Home Care to Elderly in India: An Innovative Entrepreneurial Business Model

Chandrima Chatterjee

1.Doctoral Research Fellow, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur.

Citation : Chandrima Chatterjee, Providing Integrated Home Care to Elderly in India: An Innovative Entrepreneurial Business Model International Journal of Managerial Studies and Research 2016 , 4(12) : 50-55


Due to changing demographic pattern, India is experiencing rapid population ageing. Population ageing has significant consequences on socio-economic situation of a country. Disability, frailty, comorbidity, poor mental health put pressure not only on the family members of the elderly but also on the entire society. Conversely, some social as well as economic factors have forced many elderly to stay apart from their children. So, for this group of grey population who stays completely alone or with their elder spouse, Integrated Home Care being a combination of both Social and health care is a much needed factor. Although a few private care houses has started their operation in India in recent years, but those care-providing organizations lack several aspects of care giving - usage of modern digital technology is one of them. The present study is based on theoretical model of entrepreneurship and business innovation. In this backdrop, an attempt has been made in this paper to put forward the idea of business canvas model in the context of health care business and to propose a business model for providing integrated home care to elderly cost-effectively in the context of urban India.

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