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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Managerial Studies and Research
Volume 4, Issue 12, 2016, Page No: 19-24

Economic Growth and Unemployment Relationship: An Empirical Study for MENA Countries

Dr.Ibrahim khrais1, Prof.Dr.Mahmoud Al-Wadi1

1.Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Zarqa University, Jordan.

Citation : Dr.Ibrahim khrais,Prof.Dr.Mahmoud Al-Wadi, Economic Growth and Unemployment Relationship: An Empirical Study for MENA Countries International Journal of Managerial Studies and Research 2016 , 4(12) : 19-24


The main purpose of this paper is to examine the relationship between GDP growth and unemployment in MENA countries for the period (1990-2016) periods. Simple linear regression used for the analyses. The results indicated that the impact values considered by GDP on the Unemployment in all the countries being involved. The significance level of (F) was greater than (Α = 0.05) suggesting no significant impact was observed for gross GDP (annual) representing all the countries being involved in the study on Unemployment in all the countries calculated from labours numbers in these countries. The impact value is considered to be very small (- 0.009). This value suggests that there may be other factor affecting unemployment other than GDP.

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