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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Managerial Studies and Research
Volume 4, Issue 11, 2016, Page No: 48-58

Toward Integration between Total Quality Management & Knowledge Management: Evidence from Libraries of Jordanian Universities

Othman Obeidat1, Ghazi A. Al-Weshah1, Marwan Nsour1

1.College for Human Sciences at Al-Balqa Applied University in Jordan.

Citation : Othman Obeidat,Ghazi A.Al-Weshah,Marwan Nsour, Toward Integration between Total Quality Management & Knowledge Management: Evidence from Libraries of Jordanian Universities International Journal of Managerial Studies and Research 2016 , 4(11) : 58-58


The purpose of this study is to explore the benefits of employing total quality management and knowledge management principles in academic libraries in Jordan. Data about total quality management and knowledge management are obtained through a survey questionnaire distributed to employees in the academic libraries in Jordan. The study uses variance and correlation analysis. The study results indicate that total quality management processes affect knowledge management. Since this study is limited to the literature in academic libraries, caution must be considered in generalizing the results from this study to other situations in the service academic library environment. This study provides useful information and managerial implications for decision makers in the academic libraries in Jordan and other Arab countries. It also proposes new service practices for the academic library environment. This study attempts to bridge gaps in the literature between Arabian total quality management and knowledge management principles practices.

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