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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Managerial Studies and Research
Volume 4, Issue 10, 2016, Page No: 34-42

Attitudes of Customers towards Applying the Marketing Mix in Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs)

Dr.Tareq N. Hashem1, Abeer A. Alqirem2

1.Associate Professor, Marketing Department Isra University, Amman, Jordan.
2.Master of Public Administration University of Jordan, Amman, Jordan.

Citation : Dr.Tareq N.Hashem,Abeer A.Alqirem, Attitudes of Customers towards Applying the Marketing Mix in Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) International Journal of Managerial Studies and Research 2016 , 4(10) : 34-42


In recent years, marketing has witnessed a remarkable development. We can see that the greatest emphasis was laid upon profit and that is applied in NGO(s). As for the field of marketing, it emphasized the service that is provided to the beneficiaries. Marketing was misunderstood by beneficiaries due to linking marketing with price and that shed a light upon the trends that concern the used marketing mix. Unfortunately, due to the emergence of globalization and the increasing the number of beneficiaries who benefit from services, some organizations found that the traditional funding sources are not sufficient to meet their needs and serve the community. Thus, we had to resort to modern marketing methods which are called "the marketing mix". Thus, this study was performed to investigate the attitudes of beneficiaries towards applying the marketing mix in non-governmental organizations (NGOs). To achieve the goals of this study and to provide answers for its questions, the researchers developed a questionnaire. This questionnaire was distributed to a sample that consisted of 500 employees who received loans from NGOs and lived in Amman. The response rate was 77%. The study concluded that there are positive attitudes towards applying the marketing mix in NGOs. Furthermore, it was also conclude that there is a relationship that is statistically significant between the sample's attitudes towards applying the marketing mix in NGOs and the samples' income.

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