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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Managerial Studies and Research
Volume 3, Issue 9, 2015, Page No: 85-90

Mother Tongue or International Language - The African Anomaly

Gift Rupande1

1.Department of Student Affairs Zimbabwe Open University (ZOU)

Citation : Gift Rupande, Mother Tongue or International Language - The African Anomaly International Journal of Managerial Studies and Research 2015 , 3(9) : 85-90


Language is a facility to manipulate knowledge in a symbolic framework that enables humans to derive deeper meaning from their experience. The pursuit of national cohesion and receptiveness to technology in the use of international languages as both official and teaching languages have pervaded the systems of education and governance in most African countries. Zimbabwe boosts of many indigenous languages like Shona, Ndebele, Venda and many others. However, the language policy in Zimbabwe stipulate that grade one to three should be taught in mother tongue except when teaching English. The question is to what extent is this being implemented? In Zimbabwe most pupils in the rural have limited contact with English hence they have less chances of picking up English before they enter school. If English is used as a medium of instruction instead of their mother tongue, low achievement will ensue. The paper seeks to explore the importance of using mother tongue as a medium of instruction, the obstacles faced in the promotion of African languages in education, the cost effectiveness of bilingual education and recommendations on how best both local and international languages can effectively be utilized in the education system for the benefit of the student

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