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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Managerial Studies and Research
Volume 3, Issue 9, 2015, Page No: 177-184

The Effect of Transformational Leadership, Personality and Group Decision Making to Organizational Citizenship Behavior

Sugiarto Sargo*1, Soewarto Hardhienata1, Bibin Rubini1

1.Post Graduate Program, Universitas Pakuan Bogor, Indonesia

Citation : Sugiarto Sargo*, Soewarto Hardhienata, Bibin Rubini, The Effect of Transformational Leadership, Personality and Group Decision Making to Organizational Citizenship Behavior International Journal of Managerial Studies and Research 2015 , 3(9) : 177-184


Objective of this research is to test the effect of transformational leadership, personality and group decision making to Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) to 260 public school teachers selected by using proportional random sampling out of 20 Junior High Schools in Lampung province, Indonesia. Quantitatively and qualitatively through Sequential Explanatory Design, the research concludes that OCB is positively and significantly affected by transformational leadership, personality and group decision making counted of 52,7% (R2 = 0,527, a = 0,01%) revealing other 47,3% to influence OCB. Qualitative finding strengthens the existence of other factors affecting OCB. The research brings implication that to boost teachers' OCB, the school principal must enhance the transformational leadership skill through developing capabilities in strategic planning and change management

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