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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Managerial Studies and Research
Volume 3, Issue 7, 2015, Page No: 20-30

The Structure and the Resources of Entrepreneurial Network - Esential Factors to Survival and Performance. The Case of Study Romania

Adela Vadastreanu1, Stelian Brad2, Adrian Bot3

1.National Institute for Research and Development of Isotopic and Molecular Technologies Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
2.Technical University of Cluj-Napoca Cluj-Napoca, Romania
3.National Institute for Research and Development of Isotopic and Molecular Technologies, Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Citation : Adela Vadastreanu, Stelian Brad, Adrian Bot, The Structure and the Resources of Entrepreneurial Network - Esential Factors to Survival and Performance. The Case of Study Romania International Journal of Managerial Studies and Research 2015 , 3(7) : 20-30


The level of entrepreneurial activity has a statistically significant association with economic growth. Only a few companies manage to grow or even to survive. Also, numerous studies reveal that the benefits provided by entrepreneurial network is part of the explanation for entrepreneurial success. Romania needs more entrepreneurs. In Romania the SMEs sector represents 99% of the total number of enterprises, contributing to 65% of GDP and 67% of the total workforce. Compared EU average density to SMEs, in Romania (number SMEs per 1000 inhabitants) is extremely low, standing at almost half the European average. If the European Union are currently assessed approximately 42 SMEs per 1000 inhabitants, in Romania the average density of business enterprises is 22 SMEs per 1000 inhabitants. And with strong regional disparities. This paper presents an analysis of the SME sector in Romania by region and comparing the performance of SMEs in the EU macroeconomic indicators, and an experimental study that attempts to examine regional differences in entrepreneurial netowork. Questionnaires were administered to entrepreneurs in three development regions of Romania, such as: Bucuresti-Ilfov with a density of 50, 56 SMEs which represents 229% of the average Romanian, Nord-Vest region with a density of 24, 22 SMEs per 1000 / inhabitants, which one ranks very close to the average density of the SMEs in Romania (109%) and the Nord-Est region that has the lowest density of SMEs in Romania, namely 13,56 SMEs per 1,000 inhabitants. The study results suggest that while certain factors are common to the three regions, there are significant differences both in terms of entrepreneurial structure and benefits, being a direct relationship between the economic development and they

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