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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Managerial Studies and Research
Volume 3, Issue 7, 2015, Page No: 20-30

Evaluating the Perceptions of Investment Banks on the Effectiveness of Financial Audit Report: Evidence from Kingdom of Bahrain

Ghaleb Mohamed Ateya1, Dr. Gagan Kukreja2

1.MBA Student Ahlia Universtiy, Kingdom of Bahrain
2.Assistant Professor Department of Accounting & Economics College of Business & Finance Ahlia Universtiy, Kingdom of Bahrain

Citation : Ghaleb Mohamed Ateya, Dr. Gagan Kukreja, Evaluating the Perceptions of Investment Banks on the Effectiveness of Financial Audit Report: Evidence from Kingdom of Bahrain International Journal of Managerial Studies and Research 2015 , 3(7) : 20-30


This research project emphasizes that it is very interesting to know the perception of investment banks of Bahrain on the effectiveness of the financial audit report. Thus, the study asked 36 investment banks in Bahrain to state their opinions on the effectiveness of the financial audit report. The results of the study showed that the financial audit report is effective and the investment bankers easily understand the contents of financial audit report. The investment bankers regarded the financial audit report as a reliable and relevant source of information. Further, the financial audit report is considered as a cornerstone in decision making and acts as a key element in maintaining safe investment environment in Bahrain

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