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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Managerial Studies and Research
Volume 3, Issue 6, 2015, Page No: 72-83

Systematic Training Gap in Nigerian Public Enterprises

Haruna Abdul1

1.Director Studies and Head Management Consultancy Services Department Administrative Staff College of Nigeria (Ascon) Topo - Badagry, Lagos State, Nigeria

Citation : Haruna Abdul, Systematic Training Gap in Nigerian Public Enterprises International Journal of Managerial Studies and Research 2015 , 3(6) : 72-83


Public Enterprises were established in order to fill the wide gap between what is available in terms of provision of capital and expertise, in the private and public sectors of the economy. In order to maintain the required level of competence and expertise, public enterprises need to train and retrain personnel on a regular basis. Personnel, especially at the management/senior level, must master both the special, technical or professional and managerial skills, necessary for running the enterprise. When a personnel from public enterprise organisation is sent on training, the objectives of such nominations often differ from the requirements of "Systematic Training" approach, indicating the existence of "Systematic Training Gap" in such organisations. This in itself is connected to a myriad of challenges faced by Nigerian Public Enterprise. The peculiarities of these challenges as outlined each have implications for training and retraining. The "gap" indicates that something is missing in the practice of training management in that organisation. The systematic gap is the non-application of "Training Needs Analysis" and "Programme Design" components of training function, before implementation. It could be present by not adopting the systematic approach, or using other approaches without first of all conducting "Training Needs Analysis" followed by "Programme Design". Managers adopt other approaches instead of Systematic approach, and they have genuine reasons for doing so, but the long-term effect on the organisation is undesirable. "Coaching" and "Effective Supervision" could be applied as ways of saving funds on training of personnel

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