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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Managerial Studies and Research
Volume 3, Issue 5, 2015, Page No: 22-32

Arguing for a Multiple Capital Model

Sean Stein Smith 1

1.Faculty - Accounting Fairleigh Dickinson University Teaneck, United States

Citation : Sean Stein Smith, Arguing for a Multiple Capital Model International Journal of Managerial Studies and Research 2015 , 3(5) : 22-32


The purpose of this article is to conduct a review of the literature surrounding the changing nature of financial reporting, specifically the rise of integrated financial reporting. In addition to reviewing existing literature, and leveraging quantitative statistics embedded within, this general review contributes to the existing literature on this topic. Sourcing from scholarly literature, using a multi-industry lens and view, results in several findings. First, the increasing frequency in usage of non-traditional reporting illustrates the marketplace demand for a more comprehensive view of financial performance. Second, there are several areas of nontraditional capital posed to rejuvenate the financial reporting model; financial, manufactured, intellectual, human, social and relationship, and natural. Third, the accounting profession appears to be well positioned to seize upon the convergence of the multiple trends to enhance the value accounting professionals bring, to both organizations, and the profession at large. Implications resulting from this research are of interest to both academic researchers and practitioners. Researchers, leveraging the literary sources included in this piece, as well as using this piece for future research, have a wide range of potential research areas and subjects. Practitioners can use the implications, findings, and evidence presented in this piece to argue for a more integrated accounting function

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