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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Managerial Studies and Research
Volume 3, Issue 5, 2015, Page No: 7-21

Foreign Trade and Economic Growth: Nigerian Experiences From 1960-2013

Shuaib, I. M (MBA, M.Sc, ACE)1, Dania Evelyn Ndidi (M.Sc, PhD, NES)2

1.Department of Business Administration & Management Auchi Polytechnic, Auchi
2.Institute of Continuing Education, Benin City

Citation : Shuaib, I. M (MBA, M.Sc, ACE), Dania Evelyn Ndidi (M.Sc, PhD, NES), Cross Generations, Reputation Concern and Stock Market Reaction in Family Firm International Journal of Managerial Studies and Research 2015 , 3(5) : 7-21


Family firms often experience higher reputation levels in communities than non-family firms, since they are often embedded in their social context due to a personalized management and shareholding structure, leading to higher social performance and, consequently, reputation. FA strong family firm reputation improves client relationships and the attraction of clients, thus enhancing overall performance of the business. This research found out the concern many family firms display for their reputation can be traced to the overlap with family members' involvement. Moreover the identification with the family firm and the resulting reputation concern leads to performance-enhancing firm-level phenomena

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