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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Managerial Studies and Research
Volume 3, Issue 5, 2015, Page No: 83-99

Socio-Economic Development and Use of Productive Potential of ST People on the Changing Business Scenario of Mayurbhanj and Rayagada District of Odisha (India) - An Empirical Analysis

Mahima Prakashan Sahoo1, Muna Kalyani2

1.Research Scholar, P.G. Dept. of Business Administration, Utkal University, Vani Vihar, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India
2.Reader, P.G. Dept. of Business Administration, Utkal University, Vani Vihar, Bhubaneswar

Citation : Mahima Prakashan Sahoo, Muna Kalyani, Socio-Economic Development and Use of Productive Potential of ST People on the Changing Business Scenario of Mayurbhanj and Rayagada District of Odisha (India) - An Empirical Analysis International Journal of Managerial Studies and Research 2015 , 3(5) : 83-99


Every effort of economic development of a country like India where more than 70% of the population live in rural, must begin with the development of villages and every effort towards development of villages must begin with the development of the weaker section of the population that is the SC and ST. Thus the recognition of Mahali ST of Mayurbhanj district of North Odisha and Dongria-Kondh ST communities of Rayagada district of South Odisha in India by sensitive observers are significant. The data are analyzed in both qualitative and quantitative research using statistical methodologies.
In a poor and backward State like Odisha it is least expected that the development scenario of the village and the pace of socio-economic transformations could be better. The socio-economic survey of Mayurbhanj and Rayagada districts of Orissa have clearly reveals that the State has to make a longitudinal perspective plan for the transformation of the subsistence oriented backward tribal development economy in order to solve the problem of poverty and to improve the 'quality of life' of rural scheduled people

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