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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Managerial Studies and Research
Volume 3, Issue 4, 2015, Page No: 34-39

Cultural Integration after Acquisitions in the Companies of Pharmaceutical Sector

Anna Stankiewicz-Mroz1

1.Faculty of Organization and Management Lodz University of Technology

Citation : Anna Stankiewicz-Mroz, Cultural Integration after Acquisitions in the Companies of Pharmaceutical Sector International Journal of Managerial Studies and Research 2015 , 3(4) : 34-39


This article presents the research results of 5 acquisitions with the branch character which took place in the pharmaceutical sector. The aim of the research was to diagnose an approach to cultural issues and, consequently, the identification of the model adopted for the implementations of cultural integration. The analysis of the range of cultural differences, their depth and the dynamics of integration activities helped in it. The research showed that in the described companies in the pre-transaction phase no duediligence analysis which would allow for the assessment of the compatibility of partners at the moment of the transaction in the field of culture was conducted. In three out of five examined transactions a pluralistic model was adopted assuming that the companies- partners of the transactions stick to their rules, norms and values. In the research it was underlined that a marginalization of the cultural aspects results from a conviction that an organizational culture in pharmaceutical companies is weak and additionally staff transfers within a branch cause the copying of the management practices and patterns of behavior. Additionally it was underlined that managers of integration with proper competencies are hardly ever employed. It increases the risk of integration and the consequences of an inapt integration of cultures can be even more serious than a lack of actions in this aspect

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