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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Managerial Studies and Research
Volume 3, Issue 3, 2015, Page No: 1-8

The Role of Disaster Preparedness on Business Continuity Management for Corporate Organisations: A Case of Equitol Bank, Kenya

Fredrick Mutia Mwaiwa1, Wilson Osito Odiyo1

1.Business Administration Department Africa Nazarene University, Nairobi, Kenya

Citation : Fredrick Mutia Mwaiwa, Wilson Osito Odiyo, The Role of Disaster Preparedness on Business Continuity Management for Corporate Organisations: A Case of Equitol Bank, Kenya International Journal of Managerial Studies and Research 2015 , 3(3) : 1-8


Major emergencies, disasters and other crises are no respecters of national borders and never occur at convenient times. The magnitude of human suffering caused by these events is huge, and many aspects of people's lives are affected - businesses, health, security, housing, access to food, water and other life commodities, to name but a few. That is why it is vital to have emergency plans in place, so that the effects of disasters on people and their assets can be mitigated, and a coordinated response may be launched as effectively and efficiently as possible when disasters or other crises strike. Although many emergencies are often unpredictable, much can be done to prevent and mitigate their effects as well as to strengthen the response capacity of organizations at risk. This study focuses on the importance of disaster preparedness in corporate organizations to ensure business continuity. The study was carried out in Equitol Bank in Kenya. A case study design was adopted for the study. A sample size of 60 respondents from a target population of 200 staff members using stratified random sampling technique was obtained. Questionnaire and document analysis were the main tools of data collection utilized. Data obtained was organized, coded and analyzed using qualitative and quantitative methods. Descriptive statistics such as means, and cumulative frequencies were employed in summarizing data. The study found that a clear disaster preparedness plan has a positive effect on business continuity management of an organization. This implies that organizations need to be adequately prepared for any unexpected events which could interrupt business operations and survival chances in both short and long run

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