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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Managerial Studies and Research
Volume 3, Issue 12, 2015, Page No: 76-89

Effect of Workplace Environment on the Performance of Commercial Banks Employees in Nakuru Town

Gitahi Njenga Samson 1, Dr. Maina Waiganjo 1, Dr. Joel Koima 1

1.Department of Commerce Kabarak University, Egerton University Box 3270-20100, Nakuru-Kenya
2.Department of Commerce Kabarak University Box 3270-20100, Nakuru-Kenya
3.Department of Economic and Business Studies Kabarak University, Box 3270-20100, Nakuru-Kenya

Citation : Gitahi Njenga Samson, Dr. Maina Waiganjo, Dr. Joel Koima, Effect of Workplace Environment on the Performance of Commercial Banks Employees in Nakuru Town International Journal of Managerial Studies and Research 2015 , 3(12) : 76-89


The present study aimed to investigate the effect of workplace environment on the performance of Bank employees in Nakuru Town. More specifically, the study sought to establish the extent to which physical workplace factors, psychosocial factors and the work life balance factors affect performance of Bank employees in Nakuru Town. The population of the study was 736 non-managerial staff from which a sample of 173 respondents were drawn from employees' using stratified random sampling with probabilities proportional to the size of the firm was used to allocate samples within the Banks. To achieve the objectives of the study, a survey design was employed. A sample of 173 employees participated in the study as respondents. Descriptive statistics and multiple regression models were used to analyze the data. The study findings showed that the physical aspects were did not have a significant effect on employee performance while the psychosocial and work life balance factors were significant. The results therefore indicated that psychosocial aspects exhibited the strongest association with employee performance while physical aspects and psychosocial aspects were moderate. It is recommended that attention be given to the other influences of workplace life environments consisting the physical and work life balance aspects

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