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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Managerial Studies and Research
Volume 3, Issue 12, 2015, Page No: 16-19

Marketing and Partnership in Response to the Generation of Expertise in Biotechnology Firms

BAS 1, Tomas Gabriel 2

1.Professor and Director Instituto de Innovacion basada en Ciencia Vicerrectoria de Innovacion y Transferencia Tecnologica Universidad de Talca

Citation : BAS, Tomas Gabriel, Marketing and Partnership in Response to the Generation of Expertise in Biotechnology Firms International Journal of Managerial Studies and Research 2015 , 3(12) : 16-19


Biotechnology is a very complex sector by the high investment required and uncertain to complete the long and critical R&D for the bio-molecular development. In addition, the firms must support the risk and extreme long time performance from discovery to final product. The development of new bio-molecules, particularly in the pharmaceutical sector needs more than ten years of research and between 800 and more than 1300 million U.S. dollars. This critical convergence is so intricate that the success of biotechnology firms is extremely hurdled, and many of them disappear in the first years of their live. Strategic alliances could be a significant player coveted in order to acquire the resources and skills gaps. In this order, the paper sets out to identify if alliances between those players could be an advantage for the acquisition of new dynamics capabilities and help to create value to these firms or not.

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