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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Managerial Studies and Research
Volume 3, Issue 11, 2015, Page No: 84-91

ISO 21500: The Benefits of Processes; Risk, Cost, Time and Project Management

Lara Kristin Kristinsdottir 1, Eovald Moller 2

1.The School of Business and Department of Environmental and Natural Resources at the University of Iceland
2.The School of Business at the University of Iceland

Citation : Lara Kristin Kristinsdottir, Eovald Moller, ISO 21500: The Benefits of Processes; Risk, Cost, Time and Project Management International Journal of Managerial Studies and Research 2015 , 3(11) : 84-91


The objective of this research article is to examine the potential benefits of applying the ISO 21500 standard in a consultancy firm in Iceland. Qualitative research was conducted to explore how the employees of a certain company viewed processes such as risk, cost, time, and project management. This was done by researching how the prevailing situation is before the application of ISO 21500 and to establish whether there would be any benefits from incorporating the standard. The results show that the standard can benefit companies even if they have several other ISO certifications. The benefits include greater synchronization of processes in projects, increased solidarity with clearer boundaries and known expectations, and finally, a potential increase in quality

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