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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Managerial Studies and Research
Volume 3, Issue 10, 2015, Page No: 1-13

Analysis of Relevant Factors in the Construction of Social Alliances

Paulo MurakawaKioti (UNIMEP), Valeria Rueda Elias Spers (UNIMEP), Graziela Oste Graziano Cremonezi (UNIMEP), Dagmar Silva Pinto de Castro(UNIMEP), Dalila Alves Correa (UNIMEP), Yeda Cirera Oswaldo (UNIMEP)

Citation : Paulo MurakawaKioti (UNIMEP), Valeria Rueda Elias Spers (UNIMEP) ,et. al., Analysis of Relevant Factors in the Construction of Social Alliances International Journal of Managerial Studies and Research 2015 , 3(10) : 1-13


This study aimed to analyze from a case study applied to the non-governmental organization Union of Sorocaba and Region (UniOng). The relevant factors for building strategic alliances between specific OTS, which in this work was denominated as Social Alliances. Therefore, the survey noted four variables relevant to the formation of UniOng, determined by motivating factors, selection process, governance structure and evolutionary dynamics. Presenting as main results, the direct influence of social ties in the different stages of formation of UniOng, this way, the role of the social relationships is potentially motivating the decision of its economic agents.Thus, reducing some transaction costs over the alliance and allowing it to evolve to strategic relationships, being the strategy observed not only in isolation and in purely economic objectives, but in a process,that also comprises the interactions between organizations and their environment

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