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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Managerial Studies and Research
Volume 3, Issue 1, 2015, Page No: 57-65

The Effect of Job Training on Workers' Efficiency and Productivity: A Study of Pamol Nigeria Limited, Calabar

Sunday Isaac Eneh1, Benjamin James Inyang 1, Ekpe Oyono Ekpe1,

1.Department of Business Management University of Calabar Calabar, Nigeria

Citation : Sunday Isaac Eneh, Benjamin James Inyang, Ekpe Oyono Ekpe, The Effect of Job Training on Workers' Efficiency and Productivity: A Study of Pamol Nigeria Limited, Calabar International Journal of Managerial Studies and Research 2015 , 3(1) : 57-65


The study assessed the effect of job training on workers' efficiency and productivity in Pamol Nigeria Limited Calabar, Cross River State. In carrying out the study, six research objectives were developed from which three hypotheses were formulated. A survey design was used as the methodology of the study and this allowed for the use of research questionnaire. A sample size of two hundred and sixty five respondents was used for the study. Results of the study revealed that job training was not a regular activity at Pamol Nigeria Limited and training needs were not clearly identified. Further findings revealed that there was no proper supervision of the field staff (particularly the rubber tappers). It was also found that workers' remuneration was poor, and this was responsible for their engagement in businesses outside the organization's operations, which ultimately resulted in divided attention at the workplace. Based on these findings, the study recommended, among others, that training should be made a regular activity and the training needs should be clearly identified. The study further recommended that the management of the organization should ensure proper supervision of its field staff in order to facilitate appropriate behaviour on their part to improve productivity. It was also recommended that workers' remuneration should be improved to enable them concentrate on the job and discourage them from doing other small businesses outside their jobs within work hours.

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