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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Managerial Studies and Research
Volume 3, Issue 1, 2015, Page No: 34-38

Manufacturing-Based Multinational Corporation Adherence to the Duality Management Structure

James Tanoos, PhD1

1.James Tanoos Assoc. Clinical Prof. Purdue University

Citation : Ayodele M. Asebiomo (PhD), Manufacturing-Based Multinational Corporation Adherence to the Duality Management StructureInternational Journal of Managerial Studies and Research 2015 , 3(1) : 34-38


Traditional cultural and societal norms have affected regional human resource management philosophies, including regional adherence to the duality management structure in an organization wherein the CEO and Chairman of the Board are the same person. There have been numerous studies of the financial effects of utilizing the duality management structure as well aswhich areas of the world are most likely to utilize duality. There is also literature addressing the traditional adherence to the duality structure in American versus European organizations, but no studies exist that describe which business sector is more likely to adhere to the duality structure. This paper will examine trends in top performing industrial organizations based on total assets as of 2012 and describe number and location of organizations utilizing the duality management structure. This data will be used to compare European and American management structures with traditional norms

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