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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Managerial Studies and Research
Volume 2, Issue 9, 2014, Page No: 108-117

Compensation Management and Employees Performance in the Manufacturing Sector, A Case Study of a Reputable Organization in the Food and Beverage Industry

IBOJO. Bolanle Odunlami 1, ASABI. Oludele Matthew 2

1. lecturer, Business Administration Department, Faculty of Social And Management Sciences, Ajayi Crowther University, Oyo. Nigeria
2.lecturer, Department of Business Administration and Management, Faculty of Management Sciences, Osun State College of Technology, Esa Oke. Osun State, Nigeria

Citation : BOJO. Bolanle Odunlami, ASABI. Oludele Matthew, Compensation Management and Employees Performance in the Manufacturing Sector, A Case Study of a Reputable Organization in the Food and Beverage Industry International Journal of Managerial Studies and Research 2014 , 2(9) : 108-117


This paper examined the effect of Compensation Management on Employees Performance in the Manufacturing Sector, A case study of A Reputable Food and Beverage Industry. The objectives were to: determine the extent at which compensation management affect employees performance, evaluate the relationship between working condition and employee performance, access the rate at which welfare services affect employees performances, explore relationship between compensation management and improved productivity and explore the relationship between compensation management and retainment of staff.

Primary and secondary sources were used. The use of questionnaire was employed to gather necessary and relevant data from the respondents. The methods were used in order to minimize the problems associated with data collection and to ensure that the results are visible and bias free as expected. The data was analyzed using inferential and descriptive statistics. The descriptive statistics involves frequency table, likert scale while the hypotheses were tested using Analysis of Variance (ANOVA).

The results of the findings show the f - statistics of 32.222 which implies that the model is statistically significant. It shows that there is a significant relationship between good welfare service and employees performance. The f-statistics of 12.052 shows that the model is statistically significant. This shows that there is a significant relationship between compensation management and improved productivity. The f - statistically of 11.237 shows that the model is statistically significant. It shows that is a significant relationship between compensation management and employees performance.

From the results of the study, it can be concluded that there is a significant relationship between good welfare service and employees performance. More so, there is a significant relationship between compensation management and improved productivity. Aside from these, there is a significant relationship between compensation management and retirement of staff. Conclusively, there is a positive significant relationship between compensation management and employees performance

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