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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Managerial Studies and Research
Volume 2, Issue 7, 2014, Page No: 117-124

An Empirical Assessment of Transition Strategies to Universities for Special Educational Needs Students: A Proposed Predictive Paradigm Using Structural Equation Modeling

Prof. Dr. Tarek Taha Ahmed 1

1.Dean of the Faculty, Pharos University in Alexandria Alexandria, Egypt

Citation : Prof. Dr. Tarek Taha Ahmed, An Empirical Assessment of Transition Strategies to Universities for Special Educational Needs Students: A Proposed Predictive Paradigm Using Structural Equation Modeling International Journal of Managerial Studies and Research 2014 , 2(7) : 117-124


Today, a growing number of students with special educational needs (SEN) are now attending universities; and empirical evidences indicate that they still face difficulties in adaptation with learning environment. Thus, universities need to make adjustments for theses students, given that the current literature suggests that the potential adjustments required may quite differ for different disabilities. The purpose of this paper is to add to literature through (a) providing deeper understanding about transition process for students with SEN, specifically in developing countries, (b) outlining a number of adaptation core strategies needed to be addressed by universities to meet the needs of these students before and during their course study, (c) empirically, examining the perceived effectiveness of these core strategies from students with SEN perspective. Based on our findings the study has made a number of important managerial and academic implications. These findings provide valuable guidance for researchers and practitioners and open areas for future research

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