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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Managerial Studies and Research
Volume 2, Issue 1, 2014, Page No: 1-12

Concept for Advanced Electronic, Mobile and Intelligent Government Services

Ljubomir Mrda 1, Mr Jefto Dzino 2, Mr Bojan zunic 3

1.Administration And Local Government, Banja Luka, Republic Of Srpska, Trg Republike 1, Bosnia And Herzegovina
2.The Council of Ministers, The Ministry for Human Rights and Refugees, Trg BiH 1, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
3.University of Business Studies, Jovana Ducica, 23 A, Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Citation : Dr. Ljubomir Mrda, Mr Jefto Dzino, Mr Bojan zunic, Concept for Advanced Electronic, Mobile and Intelligent Government Services International Journal of Managerial Studies and Research 2014 , 2(1) : 1-12


For the first time this document looks into a unique aspect of using new technologies in government services business. It identifies the necessity of unique approach in application and implementation of electronic, mobile and intelligent management in government services. New unique terms are being introduces like e-m-i-Government and e-m-Service. Until now they were used separately as eGovernment, m-Government and i-Government, and e-Service and m-Service respectively. The conditions have evolved now, predominantly in developed countries, not to use these terms separately. It is necessary to think strategically during the implementation of either of these segments, not to separate or independently study these segments. Here we are presenting an advanced and different way of applying new technologies in using and providing government services.

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