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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Managerial Studies and Research
Volume 1, Issue 2, 2013, Page No: 37-44

Analytical Method of Job Evaluation for Humanitarian Actors in Health Sector of Pakistan

Rehman M Safdar PhD 1

1.Director (HR) Super Solutions Consultancy, Canada

Citation : Rehman M Safdar PhD, Analytical Method of Job Evaluation for Humanitarian Actors in Health Sector of Pakistan International Journal of Managerial Studies and Research 2013 , 1(2) : 37-44


This study includes the design and application of a job evaluation design in a Humanitarian setup in Health Sector of Pakistan. The first step was the design of a system for determining the weights of job factors from sets of paired comparison decisions by considering only a small sub-sample of jobs. This was carried out in such a way that the rank order obtained from the point rating system duplicated, as closely as possible, that derived from the analysis of overall paired comparison assessments. Then, these factor weights were used to establish a factor plan, which was used to calculate the overall total point values of the jobs, within the sample, on the basis of their job descriptions by making use of the above factor plan, and a final rank order was established according to the total point values. Job evaluation was carried out by using point method. It required identifying a set of compensable factors to determine the worth of jobs. Each factor was divided into levels or degrees which were then assigned points. The points for each factor were summed to form a total point score for each category. Categories were then grouped by total point scores and assigned to wage/salary grades so that similarly rated jobs would be placed in the same wage/salary grade. Factors of point system adopted for this study were education, experience, working conditions and job status

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