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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Humanities, Social Sciences and Education
Volume 6, Issue 8, 2019, Page No: 33-42

Environmental Degradation and Sustainable Development in Nigeria: A Study of the South-South Region of Nigeria

Inyang, Bassey (Ph.D)*

Centre for General Studies, Cross River University of Technology, Calabar.

Citation : Inyang, Bassey, Environmental Degradation and Sustainable Development in Nigeria: A Study of the South-South Region of Nigeria International Journal of Humanities Social Sciences and Education 2019, 6(8) : 33-42.


Sustainable development and environmental degradation is an ongoing debate globally. This study is a contribution to the ongoing debate. Rapid exploration and exploitation of crude oil in the South-South region without effective environmental consciousness means that in virtually every area where there is oil exploitation, a substantial proportion of the population is at risk from natural and human induced environmental hazards. The study identifies that environmental degradation has devastating effect on individuals, society and economy at large and impacting negatively on the lives of the people and sustainable development as demonstrated of the damage, hardship and deaths caused by these hazards. The study also argues that the major cause of environmental degradation is a result of increased pressure on environmental resources by the population in various degrees that contributes to environmental unsustainability. The study concludes by recommending that national governments and non-governmental organisations should integrate environmental issues into decision making by elaborating new policies and strategies to tackle the hazards of environmental degradation for sustainable development.

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