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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Humanities, Social Sciences and Education
Volume 6, Issue 7, 2019, Page No: 7-13

Pedagogical Conditions for Forming Professional Subjectivity of Future Physical Education Teachers

Bytsiuk Viktoriia*, Mazin Vasy

Classical Private University, 70-b, Zhukovskiy str., Zaporizhzhya, 69002 Ukraine.

Citation : Bytsiuk Viktoriia, Mazin Vasy, Pedagogical Conditions for Forming Professional Subjectivity of Future Physical Education Teachers International Journal of Humanities Social Sciences and Education 2019, 6(7) : 7-13.


The authors specify the main points of the term "pedagogical conditions". The study defines pedagogical conditions for forming professional subjectivity of future physical education teachers. These pedagogical conditions are: improvement of the provided subjects' content with thematic modules focused on professional subjectivity forming; creating positive image of professional prospects during foreign study course; reflective ambience forming for awareness of the contradiction between preferable and current status of professional competencies development; encouraging students to represent their personality in extracurricular socially significant activity; implementation of check-out methodology focused on evaluation of professional subjectivity level of future physical education teachers.

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