Social Interaction of the Chief of Capital City Police of Medan Based on Socio-Religions in Ensuring Security
Dadang Hartanto1*, Nasrullah Hidayat2
Citation : Dadang Hartanto, Nasrullah Hidayat, Social Interaction of the Chief of Capital City Police of Medan Based on Socio-Religions in Ensuring Security International Journal of Humanities Social Sciences and Education 2019, 6(7) : 1-6.
The purpose of this study was to determine the social interaction of the Chief of Medan Capital City Police in ensuring security in the city of Medan. Social interaction has an important and necessary role in leadership by building heterogeneous unity and unity of society. For this reason, the Chief of Medan Capital City Police has made various efforts to maximize social interaction by conducting social religious activities with community leaders, religious leaders, youth leaders, academics, communities or organizations. This research is a descriptive study that describes and explores data based on the existence of reality in the field. The results showed that the conditions of social interaction of the Chief of Medan Capital City Police based on socio-religion were very high with the highest indicators of talking politely, not talking dirty (slovenly) or offending others, listening to suggestions and opinions from the figures. In addition, they should not discriminate between groups or communities of different religions and beliefs, respecting the opinions of religious leaders and youth leaders, respecting adherents of other religions to celebrate their festivals, assuming believers in other religions can be trusted, practice tolerance for celebrations, rituals, and other religious beliefs. While the security guarantees felt by the community are also very high with socio-religious values. This can be seen from the security indicators in living in a multi-religious environment and respecting others to embrace their beliefs.