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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Humanities, Social Sciences and Education
Volume 6, Issue 6, 2019, Page No: 84-92

Grassroots Democracy and the Participation of Urban People in Central Highlands, Vietnam

Hoang Ba Thinh1*, Doan ThiThanhHuyen2

1.Hanoi University of Social Sciences and Humanities, Vietnam.
2.Vietnam Women's Academy.

Citation : Hoang Ba Thinh, Doan ThiThanhHuyen, Grassroots Democracy and the Participation of Urban People in Central Highlands, Vietnam International Journal of Humanities Social Sciences and Education 2019, 6(6) : 84-92.


In many countries around the world, especially the developing countries, the process of urban planning, construction and management with participation of the people/community have shown the advantages and effectiveness of urban development with participation of the people in communities. Based on the research results of the State-level scientific and technological project "Urbanization and the management of the urbanization process in sustainable development in the Central Highlands" (Code TN3/X15), the article will focus on introducing some basic views of the Party and the State of Vietnam on grassroots democracy; then will analyze the participation of urban people in Central Highlands in the process of urban construction, planning and development.

The research shows that in the process of urbanization in the Central Highlands;the participation level of the majority of the people is just at the level of the people know, the people discuss; and gradually decreased at the level of the people do and the people check. There exists a difference between the provinces in the Central Highlands about the level of the people's participation in exercising grassroots democracy. The provinces with high urbanization rates, large urban scale and have favorable conditions for economic and socio development (such as in the two provinces of DakLak, Lam Dong, the people's participation is higher than the rest localities (Gia Lai, DakNong, Kon Tum).

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