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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Humanities, Social Sciences and Education
Volume 6, Issue 2, 2019, Page No: 35-40

Obstacles Faced by Apprentice Lawyers in Lower Judiciary: A Case Study on Khulna Judge Court

Hasibul Hossain Sumon*

Lecturer, Department of Law, North Western University, Khulna, 236, M. A. Bari Road, Sonadanga, Khulna9100, Bangladesh.

Citation : Hasibul Hossain Sumon, Obstacles Faced by Apprentice Lawyers in Lower Judiciary: A Case Study on Khulna Judge Court International Journal of Humanities Social Sciences and Education 2019, 6(2) : 35-40.


Apprenticeship is must to be a lawyer. But this period is very much complex for an apprentice lawyer. He/she has to pass this period through much hardship. It is heard that sometimes senior lawyers give unwise pressure to apprentices which is not fare. To find out the real situation of apprenticeship I have conducted my research on obstacles faced by apprentice lawyers in Khulna Judge Court. Total 35 legal professionals including 20 apprentice lawyers and 15 practicing lawyers have been interviewed for the purpose of data collection. By surveying among male and female apprentice lawyers I have found various obstacles which are faced by apprentice lawyers. Safety is one of the most burning issues among all obstacles. Sometimes, senior lawyers misbehave with their apprentices. They never think about the career of their apprentices. They only think for their own interest which leads apprentices to darken path. Raising awareness is very necessary for eradicating this problem. To make solution of various problem accountability and transparency should be ensured. After all, senior lawyers should have affection, love and respect to their apprentices. If we become able to solve these problems, a lot of students will come and they will build up their career in this profession.

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