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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Humanities, Social Sciences and Education
Volume 6, Issue 1, 2019, Page No: 32-42

Investigating the use of Mediation in Resolving Students' Interpersonal Conflicts in Higher Learning Institutions in Tanzania

Polycarp Africanus Kerega*

Lecturer, Institute of Social Work (Department of Labour Studies) Po Box 3375, Dar es Salaam-Tanzania.

Citation : Polycarp Africanus Kerega*, Investigating the use of Mediation in Resolving Students' Interpersonal Conflicts in Higher Learning Institutions in TanzaniaInternational Journal of Humanities Social Sciences and Education 2019, 6(1) : 32-42.


While mediation is acknowledged as useful in resolving conflicts in wider dimensions including students' interpersonal conflicts in higher leaning institutions; in Tanzania mediation is familiar in resolving labour disputes. Knowledge of whether or not the method is applied in resolving students' interpersonal conflicts in institutions of higher learning is limited. This article explores experiences of deans of students responsible for resolving students' interpersonal conflicts in the higher learning institutions in Tanzania; more particularly, it examines the nature of students' interpersonal conflicts and whether mediation is used in the resolution process. Un-amicably resolved students' interpersonal conflicts are likely to end up into violence which is usually detrimental to quality education delivery, a prerequisite for building an industrial economy, currently aspired in Tanzania. The article reveals the paucity of knowledge and skills in mediation among deans of students. The author recommends imparting knowledge and skills in mediation to both students and deans of students and application of mediation in resolving students' interpersonal conflicts by involving students as peer mediators in the process

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