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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Humanities, Social Sciences and Education
Volume 5, Issue 9, 2018, Page No: 48-52

Physical Inactivity: The Lethargy of the Genetic Modifications and the Speed of the Socio Cultural Transformations

Alvaro Adolfo Duarte Alberto1, Sarah Karolina Mendonca Lamarao1, Dirley Cardoso Moreira1, Andreia Pinheiro de Carvalho1, Diego Felipe de Oliveira Assis1, Anariene de Brito da Silva1, Aylton Jose Figueira Junior2

1.Federal University of Amapa, Brazil
2.University Sao Judas, Brazil

Citation : Alvaro Adolfo Duarte Alberto,, Physical Inactivity: The Lethargy of the Genetic Modifications and the Speed of the Socio Cultural Transformations International Journal of Humanities Social Sciences and Education 2018, 5(9) : 48-52


In the primitive societies the physical movement, which today can be called physical activity, was always present in the man's daily practices. However, the discovery of the agriculture and, more recently, of the industrial and technological revolution, they brought multiple and complex consequences at the social, demographic and economical level and, consequently, a growing increase of the non-communicable diseases, a phenomenon that can be associated to the growth of a physically inactive way of life. Before this scenery, there appear interventions of regular practice of physical activities. However, these intervention strategies don't seem to be very efficient because they consider only the biological biomechanical or psychological variables, so other factors of different dimensions like intrapeople, interpeople, social, cultural, economical and environmental, are associated to active behaviors physically. So, the objective of this paper is to discuss the different factors that might explain the adherence to the practice of regular physical activity in urban contexts to direct behavior changes for an active life. So, the current human being is a sort of unplaced hunter-collector, moved to a different built society of that for which his genetic constitution was planned.

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