Common Features between the Cham Dialect and Other Albanian Dialects
Entela Kore
Citation: Entela Kore, Common Features between the Cham Dialect and Other Albanian Dialects International Journal of Humanities, Social Sciences and Education 2018,5(9) : 138-144.
The Cham dialect is a peripheral dialect of the Albanian language which preserves old forms of words. These old forms and features are reminiscent of the early stages of the Albanian language. They can be found in the writings of most original writers of the Albanian language and literature and in the Arberesh dialects in Greece and Italy.
In this section we will deal with some similar phenomena between the Cham dialect and other Albanian dialects. By comparing this dialect with other dialects of the southern Tosk dialect group like the Gjirokastra dialect, Muzina dialect, the Lower Riviera dialect, and the Kurvelesh dialect we can give a full picture of similarities and common occurrences among these dialects.1
Gjirokastra dialect approximates to the Cham dialect even in the retention of the old intervocalic l that derives from lj. In the Gjirokastra dialect we encounter this intervocalic l in words such as: mile, bile, male (maje), gole; as part of the suffix -ela- which forms verbal nouns: nisela, ardhela, ngrenela1; as a suffix which forms feminine nouns deriving from their masculine counterparts dajkela, Mezanela, Hasanela.
Another dialect which is also similar to the Cham dialect is the Muzina dialect. The first feature we would like to highlight is the pronunciation of the stressed vowel e. In this dialect, this vowel before the nasal consonants m, n and nj has been transformed into e in the same way as in the Cham dialect, but unlike the Cham dialect and other dialects of the South e in this dialect it feels as being more front in the words: zemer, femer, shtrember, themer etc,. By analogy with this, the vowel e has been added in some other cases that do not contain nasal consonants: strehe, fle dhe plehe.
Regarding the other dialects, we would like to say a few words about some features common to the Cham dialect, to the Lab dialect or Kurveleshi dialect. Of interest are the similarities in the field of vowels. Here we stress the long vowels, which are equally stressed like in the Cham dialect: shtepi:, dru:, the:, vu:, shpu: ; ba:r, va:rr, bi:r; de:t, ka:l, uri:th.
The last dialect we will talk about, which is similar to the Cham dialect is the Lower Riviera dialect. The similarities here are also worth mentioning.