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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Humanities, Social Sciences and Education
Volume 5, Issue 8, 2018, Page No: 12-18

Atenteben: A Legacy of Ephraim AMU

Eva Akosua Ebeli

Department of Music Education, University of Education, Winneba

Citation : Eva Akosua Ebeli, Atenteben: A Legacy of Ephraim AMU International Journal of Humanities Social Sciences and Education 2018, 5(8) : 12-18


Ephraim Amu, among Music scholars, has contributed very richly to the development of atenteben as an instrument in music scholarship and performance. Amu was an astute music professional whose experience in atenteben production as well as music theory has imputed immensely to the growth of the instrument and its music in Ghana. The study was approached through narrative research and was hinged on Kramer's theory of cultural fusion. Indeed, Amu's initiative to upgrade the standard of atenteben and conventionalize it has left remarkable footprints for academia while providing job opportunities for the learners and producers of the instrument. It is suggested that learning to play atenteben is encouraged at the primary school level while advocating for industrialized mass production of the instrument.

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