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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Humanities, Social Sciences and Education
Volume 5, Issue 8, 2018, Page No: 203-226

The Impact of Toondoo Comics on Undergraduate Students Taking Creative Writing and Children Literature Courses at the Lebanese University Faculty of Pedagogy

Mona Tahsaldar1, Charbel Semaan2

1.Associate Professor in English Education.
2.Assistant Professor in Technology in Education.

Citation : Mona Tahsaldar, Charbel Semaan, The Impact of Toondoo Comics on Undergraduate Students Taking Creative Writing and Children Literature Courses at the Lebanese University Faculty of Pedagogy International Journal of Humanities Social Sciences and Education 2018, 5(8) : 203-226


Technology is now an important aspect for university student learning experience. Academic research has focused on the potentials of technology in enhancing student learning and motivation to develop their creative writing skills. This research explores students' actual experience in using technology in their university classes which made it a case of integrating Toondoo Comics in Creative Writing and Children Literature courses. Thus, this paper investigates the effect of Toondoo Comics on university students' creative writing skills, their motivation and attitudes toward creative writing and Children Literature courses.

Participants were 14 second and third year student teachers at the Lebanese university faculty of pedagogy branch two during the academic year 2017-2018. As creative writing increases students' enthusiasm to develop their writing skills and the rise of using technology in the field of education, the participants were taking the Creative Writing and Children Literature courses, in a series of assignments using Toondoo Comics. Data were collected through pre-post questionnaires, observation of discussions, and assignments and presentations held in class. Results show that there is a significant difference favoring the implementation of Toondoo in university classes, and that Toondoo Comics improves the students' creative writing skills and motivates them to be involved in the university courses.

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