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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Humanities, Social Sciences and Education
Volume 5, Issue 8, 2018, Page No: 187-192

An Assessment of the Socio-Religious Roles of Women in a Traditional Igala Society

Okpe Nicholas Ojoajogwu Ph.D

Department of Religious Studies, Kogi State University, Anyigba, Kogi State - Nigeria

Citation : Okpe Nicholas Ojoajogwu, An Assessment of the Socio-Religious Roles of Women in a Traditional Igala Society International Journal of Humanities Social Sciences and Education 2018, 5(8) : 187-192


The word woman can be used generally to mean any female human or specifically, an adult female human. In a traditional Igala Society, womanhood is understood as the period in a female's life which begins after she has passed through childhood and adolescence, and perceived from physical outlook to be able to bear a child; at this point in time she is ready to be given out in marriage. This study examines the place and roles of women in Igala Traditional Religion and Society. This study specifically investigates the socioreligious place and roles of women in Igala society especially as transmitters of moral and cultural values, diviners, priestesses, native doctors, midwives and hunters. The research discovered that women like men provide quality roles in various socio-religious sphares in Igala Traditional society. Thus the study using socio-religious evaluation assessed the roles, contributions and place of women in Igala indigenous religion and society. Specifically, the study investigated the contribution and roles of women in the development of Igala society.

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