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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Humanities, Social Sciences and Education
Volume 5, Issue 8, 2018, Page No: 1-11

Experiences of Teachers and Learners in the Teaching and Learning of Physical Education in Selected Schools in Monze, Zambia

Thomas Mwale1*, John Mwitumwa Matakala1, Chimfwembe Mwenya-Mwale1, Chanda Chishimba1, Mubiana Macwang'i Anne Namakando-Phiri1

1.Department of Physical Education, University of Zambia, Lusaka, Zambia.

Citation : Thomas Mwale,, Experiences of Teachers and Learners in the Teaching and Learning of Physical Education in Selected Schools in Monze, Zambia International Journal of Humanities Social Sciences and Education 2018, 5(8) : 1-11


This study was aimed at exploring and understanding the lived experiences of the teachers and learners of physical education in the learning and teaching. In order to understand the experiences, the study made use of a qualitative inquiry grounded in existential phenomenology.

Purposive Sampling was used to come up with the desired sample size of and the resultant data that were collected. Data collection was achieved by use of in-depth face to face and focus group interviews. The data were analyzed using content analysis in order to transcribe the bulk data into themes and sub themes. The findings were categorized in line with the objectives of the study which where (a)Benefits of physical education (b) teacher?s perceptions on the teaching and (c) Learners perceptions on the learning.

The findings of the study on the benefits using in - depth interviews show that the subject maintains fitness, enhances skills in the various games, ensures promotion for teachers and improve their curriculum vitae. The findings further show that it encourages excursions.

The findings on the teacher perceptions on teaching show lack of instructional materials in terms of text books, lack of good playing fields and materials, lack of infrastructure and lack of professional enhancement at the university due to the subject being graded under primary qualification.

The findings of the learner perceptions on the learning show lack of materials in form of text books. Furthermore, the findings show that the materials to use at the grounds such as lime are improvised and also the nets for the goal posts are improvised. It was further established that because of lower theory and practice as a result of unbalanced allocation of periods the children failed the subject during mock examinations. Arising from the findings also show that the girl child is stigmatized by parents for participation in the games at home that they will not bear children in future.

These findings show that if the problem is not checked it is likely to affect the 50 - 50 participation in terms of learning and equal pass rate during the examinations if not addressed. It is against this background that in order to improve the situation a number of recommendations have been put forward for consideration by the Ministry of Education (MOE) and individual school managers for use of initiative to ameliorate the situation.

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