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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Humanities, Social Sciences and Education
Volume 5, Issue 7, 2018, Page No: 11-18

Health and Anti-Aging Benefits of Sports among Women of Siavonga District, Zambia

Mubita Namuyamba1*, Nyimbili Friday2, Tembo Beatrice3, Phiri Davies4, Chakanika Wanga5

1. PhD candidate in Adult Education (UNZA), Part time Lecturer at Extension Studies Department of Adult Education, Ridge way Centre (UNZA).Clinical Officer at UNZA clinic, Zambia.
2.PhD Student (Applied Linguistics) University of Zambia, Part time lecturer at University of Africa, Teacher of English & Physical Education - Lundazi, Zambia.
3.Education Administrator, teacher of literacy and language, Zambia. A holder of Masters in Applied Linguistics from UNZA.
4. Lecturer at University of Zambia, Department of Adult Education and Extension Studies.
5. Senior Lecture- University of Zambia, School of Education, DAEES. P.O. Box 32379, Lusaka.

Citation : Mubita Namuyamba,, Health and Anti-Aging Benefits of Sports among Women of Siavonga District, Zambia International Journal of Humanities Social Sciences and Education 2018, 5(7) :11-18.


This article is based on the study whose focus was on women's perceptions of health and antiaging benefits of sports among Women of Siavonga District in Zambia. It provides a basis for the need to intensify the promotion of women involvement in sports. The study was guided by two objectives: i) to establish the types of sporting activities women engaged into; and ii) to establish the health and anti-aging benefits of sports to women in Siavonga district of Zambia. The study used qualitative methods and collected data from 20 women. While 5 of the women lived a sporting life in their traditional community, 15 others were not involved actively in traditional sports of the community. Data was analyzed thematically according to emerging themes. Findings indicated that women played a number of games which were enjoyed by both women and men while others were single sex. Furthermore, while 75% of the sporting identified sporting activities were psychomotor, 25% were cognitive oriented. The cognitive activities included chiyato, nsolo, zindanda and draft and these were what women enjoyed. The anti-aging benefits, as perceived by women, included womens ability to continue looking younger than their age and accepting defeat in a game. These factors kept their blood pressure at easy and ever smiling faces. However, the women did not realize that sports made them look younger than their unsporting friends. The study concluded that sports had anti-aging properties and recommended that women should continue engaging themselves in traditional games which are cheaper to run.

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