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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Humanities, Social Sciences and Education
Volume 5, Issue 5, 2018, Page No: 19-28

Impact of Socio-Psychological Work Environment on Teachers' Job Commitment in Public Primary Schools in Mwatate Sub-County, Kenya

Genevieve Wanjala PhD1, Mwashigadhi Lonex Joram Med.2

1.Department of Educational Adminstration & Planning University of Nairobi Kenya (Assoc. Professor: Educational Planning), Kenya
2.Teacher of Kiswahili and History Vichwala Primary School P.O. Box 1063-80304 Wundanyi, Kenya

Citation : Genevieve Wanjala PhD,Mwashigadhi Lonex Joram Med., Impact of Socio-Psychological Work Environment on Teachers' Job Commitment in Public Primary Schools in Mwatate Sub-County, Kenya International Journal of Humanities Social Sciences and Education 2018, 5(5) : 19-28


This research explored the effects of social and psychological working environment on teachers' job commitment in public primary schools in Mwatate Sub-County, Kenya. The objectives of the study were to determine the extent to which the socio-psychological work environments as well as job security influence teachers' job commitment. We used descriptive survey research design and focused on 63 head-teachers and 315 teachers from the 63 public primary schools in the region as the target population. The sample size was 94 respondents, made up of 17 head-teachers and 95 teachers who were randomly sampled based on the 30% rule. Questionnaires were used to collect data which was analysed using appropriate descriptive statistics. The research has established that there was a significant relationship between the working conditions and the level of job commitment. The study recommends that the Ministry of Education should strive to improve sociopsychological work environment in public primary schools and formulate strategies that can improve the affective, normative and continuance commitment scales of teachers through teacher-pupils contact time.

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