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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Humanities, Social Sciences and Education
Volume 5, Issue 5, 2018, Page No: 12-18

Comparative Approaches between Regular Education and Special Education in the Context of Inclusive School Practices

Nicoleta Ramona Ciobanu

Assistant Professor, PhD, University of Oradea, Faculty of Humanistic and Social Sciences, Universitatii Street, no.1, 410087, Oradea, Bihor County, Romania

Citation : Nicoleta Ramona Ciobanu, Comparative Approaches between Regular Education and Special Education in the Context of Inclusive School Practices International Journal of Humanities Social Sciences and Education 2018, 5(5) : 12-18


Along with the "ordinary" children in the primary school, children with different deficiencies are also forced to accept with difficulty the exigencies of the environment in which they live, an environment that can assimilate, tolerate or reject them. These difficulties are of a general, professional, psychological and social nature. School education in integrated education has demonstrated that solving the problems children encounter in the educational process lead to a multi-level analysis of learning issues, depending on the orientation and the perspective of approaching them problems. The difficulties of integration are not generated by the nature of the deficiencies or special needs of pupils in primary education, but also by the way in which practitioners and theorists of education "see things". Integration does not mean including children with deficiencies in ordinary programs without the necessary training and support, ignoring strict needs the individual child and the isolation of children with deficiencies included in the program for inclusion in ordinary schools.

Essentially, inclusion means educating children with special needs / special educational needs and / or deficiencies in ordinary schools, providing specialized services in the ordinary school, and supporting teachers appropriately, and in terms of normalizing school life for the child with special needs, educational practice has shown that for any decision to integrate are important: the individual, the group, the curriculum.

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