Gender Violence in Universities in Southern Mexico
Ana Beronica Palacios Gamaz1,Flor Ivett Reyes Guillen1,Guadalupe Palacios Gamas1,Daniel Hernandez Cruz1,Raul Vazquez Martinez1
Citation : Gender Violence in Universities in Southern Mexico International Journal of Humanities Social Sciences and Education 2018, 5(4) : 89-101
The purpose of this article is to deepen in the forms of expression of gender violence exercised against female undergraduate students of public universities in Southern Mexico, by actors of the university community such as teachers, classmates, university authorities and administrative personnel. The data presented here are based on quantitative research, and account for a high rate of aggression by teachers and classmates. In the university, the students are subject to gender violence in different ambits of their lives and also in institutions of higher education, which constitute a social space where a socialization is formed, traversed by acts of aggression, reproducing relations of power, domination, based on the exercise of gender violence and expresses the various forms of aggression in the social contexts in which these institutions are located.