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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Humanities, Social Sciences and Education
Volume 5, Issue 4, 2018, Page No: 1-15

Swami Vivekananda - The Teacher

Sudhish Chandra Banerjee

Diamond Park, Kohinoor Apt. Flat-10, PO-JOKA, Kolkata-700104, India.

Citation : Sudhish Chandra Banerjee, Swami Vivekananda - The Teacher International Journal of Humanities Social Sciences and Education 2018, 5(4) : 1-15


Swami Vivekananda (Swamiji) was ordained to be the world teacher by his Guru himself. Swamiji taught the world in awakening the innate divinity through Yoga, attaining super consciousness mind-state with awareness of the infinite world that exist with cosmic mind, beyond our limited sensory-world.. Swamiji preached for man-making education awakening innate divinity.

Some of his messages imparted as the world teacher are:
1. All knowledge is within us, with awakening of the self it gets manifested.
2. Western education, enabling one to be self-supporting, should be coupled with Eastern values - Brahmacharya as the guiding motto, with Shraddha and faith in one's self.
3. Nation building demands all inclusive education reaching the masses.
4. Women education is stressed upon with Sri Ma Sarada Devi's ideal as the pivotal point; imparting self- supporting and character building education, having no control of men in their management.
5. We should do good to the world, apparently to help the world, but really to make us pure and perfect.
6. Swamiji was beloved to all, being an emblem of personified Love- much more than his dazzling personality and wisdom of a sage.
He was the prophet of a new and future order of development.

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